Why Commerce Is Consider As A Best Option Than Other Career Option

It is important to understand the scope of commerce subjects and the different career options in commerce that can open up after completing these. Commerce scope broadly consists of accounting, business, economics and mathematics. After completing their degree, students may choose between the following careers: Accounts and Auditing, Business and Marketing Management, financial analysis, market research analysis, quantitative analyst, data management, operations manager, sales manager or supply chain manager. When it comes to career prospects after commerce graduation, anyone can make it big in the job market. But those who specialize in specific fields can achieve more and have more options for upward mobility. 

Some of the best career options in commerce are discussed here with –  

  1. Accountants are in great demand in today’s working world. This is because they offer a valuable service that helps improve the business. They are available to meet business owners and managers at their offices, potentially to assist with tax, financial and accounting matters. One of the benefits of hiring an accountant is that they will be able to provide a qualified opinion on any financial statement pertaining to your business. This can be very beneficial in the event of any potential future investments, as well as aid in maintaining and improving the value of your current investments. In addition to providing these services, an accountant can provide valuable insights into your business and take action to sustain its growth and success. 
  2. Bankers work at financial institutions like banks and provide customers and businesses with essential financial services. Bankers usually offer insurance, investment, credit and cash management services. They typically start their career as junior-level clerks or cashiers and can progress up to the position of bank managers or regional managers. There are several employment opportunities for bankers in both private and government banks. Bankers usually earn a higher salary with experience and are also eligible for certain benefits, like allowances and staff accommodation. Becoming a banker may involve preparing for and clearing certain entrance examinations for which strong commerce background is necessary. 
  3. Company secretaries are valuable assets of any business and play a role in safeguarding the interests of their employer. They also administer the business’s day-to-day activities and help keep a business running smoothly. They perform tasks such as auditing company reports, validating documents, managing shareholding records, filing company tax returns and validating balance sheets. They are also responsible for making sure that the business adheres to legal and regulatory requirements and other essential administrative tasks. 
  4. Insurance Agents – As an insurance agent, commerce graduates must master the necessary tools to handle complex insurance policies and protect their customers’ interests. This includes intense on-the-job training in the fundamentals of the insurance industry from within the company. With the help of some online resources, you can gain insight into the industry while also learning the skills necessary to work successfully as an insurance agent. 
  5. As stock traders, commerce students can work for large institutional investors, investment banks or even their own companies. The major skills required for a career as a stock trader include knowledge of financial markets, fundamentals of finance and mathematics, managing clients’ portfolios and dealing with ‘clients’ questions. The opportunities for a career as a stock trader are many, including working in various business areas and with several different types of investors. For example, stock traders may work with pension funds and other groups that invest in stocks and bonds. Or they may work with individual investors interested in buying and selling companies. Some stock traders work on behalf of their own companies, such as by buying and selling shares in companies they own. 
  6. Investment bankers are specialists and experts in the financial markets who manage large-scale and complex investments for their clients. Investment bankers are highly educated and have training and experience in developing financial markets and analyzing investment opportunities. Investment bankers have been working for firms for years, ideally with a finance or management degree and experience in investment banking. They use their knowledge of investment strategies and financial markets to generate investment opportunities and advise clients on the best way to execute them. Investment bankers are paid well and considered among the most successful careers in business. You can earn serious money as an investment banker with the right degree and training. 
  7. Actuaries are responsible for managing a company’s financial affairs, encompassing a wide range of complicated tasks. Gaining an actuarial qualification underpins a career as an actuary. The Institute of Actuaries of India (IAI) offers exams to candidates who want to become actuaries. The IAI developed a curriculum to train actuaries who wish to help their clients manage financial risks and challenge and improve their investment, insurance and pension portfolios. The exams are meant to test a candidate’s knowledge and skills in maths, statistics and finance. 
  8. Financial advisors can help clients set financial goals and evaluate the risks of various investment options. They can also help with financial planning and management, such as developing a budget and making financial decisions. They can provide financial advice related to all kinds of financial products, such as bank accounts, investments, annuities, life insurance, managed funds, RRSPs and TFSAs, and other financial advice related to estate taxation, retirement and retirement planning. They can also assist clients in meeting other financial goals like paying off debts or improving their credit scores. 
  9. Hr Executive – Commerce students who pursue careers in the human resources or HR industry can build  successful careers and become a leader in their field. HR managers are responsible for ensuring that employees are well taken care of, productive and happy in their jobs. They also help companies manage their people and overcome internal and external challenges. The HR industry is filled with growth opportunities and is a good place for commerce students to start their careers. 

Summary – No one ever said that taking the board exams or any other competitive exam would be easy. However, getting through these exams can be much easier when you have the right advice. iDreamCareer experienced career counsellor will help you assess your strengths and weaknesses and help you choose the right career options in commerce. They will also provide helpful information about the job market and help you create a personalized plan for success. They can help you make the right career choice, identify your strengths and weaknesses, and make informed decisions. They have a team of experts who are well-versed in all aspects of the board exams and have years of experience guiding students on their journey towards success.

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