How To Create An Amazon Storefront: A Step-By-Step Guide

If you’re an Amazon seller, then you know how hard it can be to sell products on Amazon. You need to compete with other sellers who have similar products and get your product seen by shoppers who may not even know what they want yet. That’s why so many sellers are turning to Amazon storefronts for help with increasing their sales and bringing them more customers. An Amazon storefront is a way for you to create your own online store within the Amazon marketplace that focuses on one specific brand. It allows you to customize every aspect of your site from the colors used down to fonts and layout choices so that visitors can easily find what they want when they search for something specific on Google or Bing—and hopefully make their way over from there!

What Is An Amazon Storefront? Why Do I Need It?

Amazon storefronts are a way for you to sell your products or services on Amazon. They’re also a way for you to create an online store and sell your books, music and other items through it.

If you have products that would be better suited in a storefront than on the regular product listing page (like if they’re more expensive or require more information), then it’s worth considering creating one.

Build Your Store

  • Choose a theme for your store
  • Add a logo, banner, call to action (CTA) and contact form
  • Create an about page

Choose A Theme For Your Store

Now that you have your store name and logo, it’s time to choose a theme. There are many different options available on how to create an amazon storefront, but they all fall into one of two categories: “basic” or “premium”.

The basic option contains everything you need to get started with your storefront–including responsive design (which means it will work on any device), social media sharing buttons, product reviews and more–but it doesn’t include many bells and whistles such as custom fonts or extra page layouts. If this sounds like what you want then go ahead and select the basic option!

If not…then maybe consider upgrading? The premium themes offer lots of features that can make your website look better AND help boost sales by making customers feel more comfortable spending money on something new. For example: if someone is buying their first pair of shoes online ever…they probably won’t want something too flashy because they don’t know what they’re looking at yet!

Choose The Products You Want To Feature

Now that you’ve set up an account, it’s time to make some decisions about the products you want to feature. There are a few factors that will help determine which items make the cut:

  • Relevance – The first question you should ask yourself is: “Is this product relevant to my business?” For example, if you run an ecommerce store selling jewelry, then obviously it makes sense for your storefront to include necklaces and earrings as well as bracelets and rings (and maybe even some pendants). However, if all of those items were available on Amazon already–or if they weren’t unique enough–then including them might not make sense because it would be hard for shoppers looking specifically for those types of pieces not only find them on your store but also distinguish between yours and another seller’s offerings without doing any extra research first.
  • Demand – Next comes demand; does anyone actually want this item? If so many people are searching for it online at any given moment then chances are good that there’ll be interest from potential customers who don’t know where else they could buy what they’re looking for! That being said though…

Organize Your Store’s Content According To Your Customers’ Interests

The next step is to organize your store’s content according to your customers’ interests. To do this, you’ll need to create a new section for each product category. For example, if you sell books and other products on Amazon, then it makes sense to have separate sections for each of these types of items in order to help customers find what they’re looking for quickly and easily.

You can also use keywords in your titles so that potential customers will be able to find specific products when they search in the search bar or browse through related items at the bottom left corner of every page on Amazon (as shown below). A consistent style throughout all pages of your storefront helps build trust with visitors who may not know much about what they want until seeing it firsthand!

Add Content (Images, Videos, Links) That Will Drive Consumers To This Page

In this step, you’ll be adding content that will drive consumers to this page. The goal is for them to see what you have for sale and then buy it. You can add images, videos and text links that provide more information about your product. You can also use Amazon’s built-in SEO tools to optimize your titles and descriptions so that they will appear higher in search results.

You can use images or videos of your products and links to other pages on your website or social media accounts (such as Twitter). You may also want to include a call-to-action, like “Buy Now” or “Shop Now.”

Share On Social Media And Put Links On Your Website So People Can Find It

The next step is to share on social media and put links on your website so people can find it. You can also use paid advertising if you’d like, but it’s not necessary at this stage. If you’ve done a good job with your SEO, people should be finding your product page organically (without paying for clicks).


If you’ve followed the steps above, you should have a product page that’s optimized for SEO. You’ll also have some sales and reviews to show how well it works! If you’re looking for more information on how to get started with ecommerce, check out our blog posts about starting an online store or selling products online. Now that you know how to create an Amazon storefront, visit here to learn how to use Amazon product feeds and get started selling on Amazon.

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