Why Workers Comp Insurance Is A Must For Flooring Installers

Installing flooring is tough work that comes with its fair share of hazards. From heavy lifting to repetitive motion, flooring installers face safety risks daily. That’s why having proper workers compensation insurance coverage is a must for flooring installation companies.

Workers comp provides medical care and lost income replacement if an employee gets injured on the job. Without this essential protection, a single accident could be financially devastating for a flooring company. Let’s take a closer look at why having proper workers compensation insurance, specifically flooring installers insurance, is an absolute must-have.

Cover Employee Medical Bills and Lost Wages

Injuries are an inevitable part of the flooring trade. Back strains from moving heavy materials, knee injuries from long hours working on hands and knees, and repetitive motion issues are common. Toxic adhesive fumes and dust from power sanding finished floors can also cause respiratory problems over time.

When accidents happen, flooring installers’ insurance kicks in to cover all medical expenses and therapy costs to get the injured worker healthy again. This includes hospital visits, medications, and surgeries.

What’s more, workers comp provides wage replacement for the time the employee has to take off work during recovery. This compensation can be a lifeline for installers who rely on their income to make ends meet. Without workers comp, the installer would likely have to pay these expenses out-of-pocket.

Comply With State Laws

Almost every state requires that businesses carry workers compensation insurance on employees. Exact regulations vary, but most mandate coverage for full-time workers, part-timers and temps. Companies who skirt this legal requirement face hefty fines and potential lawsuits.

Flooring contractors who ignore workers comp laws put their business at serious financial risk. Complying with state workers comp flooring installers insurance requirements is a cost of doing business. But it’s one that provides important protections should workplace accidents occur.

Keep Insurance Costs Down

Workers comp premiums are based in large part on a company’s claims history. Flooring contractors with frequent injuries and lost time claims will pay higher insurance rates. That’s why promoting job site safety is so important.

Simple measures like stretch breaks, knee pads, and back braces go a long way towards preventing accidents. Providing protective equipment shows workers you prioritize safety. It encourages them to be more careful knowing the company has their back.

Fewer claims over time will result in lower workers comp premiums. The initial upfront costs of safety equipment and lost productivity from safety practices pay future dividends in insurance savings.

Manage Liability Risks

Even with the best precautions, flooring job sites have lots of tripping and falling hazards. An injury could lead to a liability claim if the worker alleges negligence on the company’s part. Worker’s compensation is the exclusive remedy for workplace injuries.

This means employees injured on the job give up the right to sue their employer in civil court for damages. Claims must go through the predetermined workers comp system instead. This liability shield is a key benefit that protects flooring companies from costly litigation.

Don’t Gamble With Safety: Get Flooring Installers Insurance

Operating a flooring installation business comes with substantial risks given the physical nature of the work. But you don’t have to gamble with your company’s financial future. Carrying proper workers compensation insurance safeguards your business against the costs of employee injuries.

While premiums may seem high, they pale in comparison to the medical bills, lost income and liability risks that come with going bare. Protect your bottom line and show workers their safety matters by securing workers comp coverage.

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