9 Key Features You Must Consider When Selecting The Best Hybrid Event Platform

In hybrid events, organizers are answerable for drawing in both face-to-face and virtual audiences, unlike exclusive virtual events. The greatest test while picking a hybrid event platform is being mindful of whether or not it has expertise in hybrid designs, permitting the organizers to run both parts of the event with zero blunders and extreme adaptability.

The best hybrid platforms have a combination of reputability, smooth functioning, and client assistance. Having the right stage is a non-debatable variable in making a hybrid event successful, particularly while executing new ideas. In this article, we will elaborate upon what hybrid events are, their features, and some useful tips to inculcate while selecting a platform, to produce the greatest success.


Hybrid events are essentially a blend of offline and online events. Organizers take their live event, and complete it with content and a group of people, adding a virtual part to it so that their crowd can participate and draw in with the event and others, regardless of where they are.

Engagement likewise contrasts a hybrid event from a live one with tech components. The audience will not be watching the event from their TV, instead, they would be participating through their cell phones or private computers, meaning they can offer input and contribute to discussions continuously.

A Hybrid Event Is Not…

  • Streaming meetings from phones.
  • A sharable video on request (VOD) post-event.
  • Putting the live participant’s needs before the internet-based participants.

A Hybrid Event Is…

  • A consistent reconciliation of technology to work and facilitate interest and participation between a live and virtual audience.
  • An encounter that takes special care of all attendees, irrespective of their location, in a participant-friendly way.
  • Addressing the on-the-web and live attendees on a similar level.


There are a couple of fundamental highlights organizers should not think twice about, when picking the hybrid conference platform.


An event application with highlights like video collaboration, private and group chats, surveys, and question answers, gives the participants simple access and opens doors for greater engagement with one another and the event. An application with social feed incorporation is a cherry on the cake. Participants can inquire right away and offer their viewpoints, considerations, and responses as the event progresses.


Technological blunders related to broadcasting, network, and audio-visual can upset a consistent hybrid event. To assign an adaptable framework and portal that is efficient for both, face-to-face and virtual audiences, is elemental. Ease of use is of prime significance.


Reports have recommended that many organizations find it hard to produce an efficient hybrid event. Highlights that can assist the organizers with defeating one-way communication weariness can prove to be important. Apparatuses that provide communication and cooperation to connect with the live and online audience assume an essential part of hybrid events. Here are a few elements organizers should pay special attention to:

Live Polling Feature

Q & A Feature

Breakout Sessions

Private Chat Rooms


It would be smart to check before collaborating with a hybrid conference platform, that it provides the options for adjustable themes, labels, banners, and placeholders, at vital points in their application, site, and software.

Event coordinators will need to wow their clients by providing the most aesthetic customizations to the event. The platform’s elements ought to be such that they can incorporate and feature the client’s brand and increment traffic around their product or administration.


LIVE streaming or broadcasting, is fundamental for enhancing engagement and the essence of the hybrid events, yet pre-recorded content delivery is significant as well. For instance, if one of the speakers is not accessible because of a crisis, they can pre-record their speech bit and play it for the audience. Additionally, here and there participants can demand playback of a specific meeting since they missed it or need to brush their memory about the subjects discussed.


To understand the success, Return on Investment, or to make enhancements in the later hybrid events, reports and analytics are fundamental. Some significant analytics incorporate event participation, appraisals, audits, total attendee registrations, sponsors and audience engagements, mid-event exits by the hasty attendees, spatial examination, and so on.

Organizers should select a virtual event platform that incorporates an integrated monitoring system, so that it provides them with comprehensive vital analytics, instead of them doing it practically, as that could get tedious.


It is more than fine to select a hybrid event platform that overall costs $ to $$$ for the event. However, organizers should primarily choose a platform that offers them varied estimation plans and highlights which help them gain the best outcomes for their event, and not just pick an overprized hybrid platform with little or no important highlights in them.


Organizers ought to select a hybrid conference platform that is flexible in delivering dual content, can fix blunders quickly, and is adaptable to all sorts of technology, which can altogether assist with providing amazing coordination between the on-location and virtual attendees. In short, the picked platform should be environmentally friendly.


Finally, every hybrid platform must-have basic highlights like event page, enrollments, check-ins, ticketing, payment gateways, enlistment information, and agendas. Other significant aspects like private access to the event, QR codes, participant identifications, event advertising, and monetization for online and offline participants can be useful as well.

Organizers should also remember to track costs and manage shuttles, practice cost control, oversee lodging records, domestic and flight transport, dinner vouchers, and so forth, for their participants, sponsors, and speakers.


To sum, organizers should be mindful of the aforementioned factors and pick the right hybrid conference platform, like Dreamcast, that is ready to oblige to their audience size and engagement needs, so that their attendees get an extraordinary client experience, helping to produce a successful hybrid event. It offers a wide range of virtual solutions helping one host their virtual events smoothly. One can also schedule a demo with the company. Until next time!

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