When to Call For Duct Cleaning To Maintain Your Home’s HVAC System

Properly maintaining your home’s ductwork is essential for health and energy efficiency. But when exactly should you schedule professional duct cleaning?

Specific scenarios indicate your HVAC system is due for a thorough duct cleaning. Knowing these ideal times to call the pros ensures your air ducts stay debris-free. Here are six critical times you should book a duct cleaning service.

  1. Yearly Or Every 2 Years

An annual or biannual professional duct cleaning effectively keeps air filtered and contaminant-free for most homes.

Factors like household allergies, pets, past cleaning frequency, and home age determine whether yearly or every two years is best.

Homes with allergies, pets, and older ductwork prone to debris buildup generally need annual cleanings. The allergens and pet dander get recirculated through dirty ducts, worsening symptoms. Older ducts also tend to accumulate more dust and debris over time.

Homes without those issues do fine with cleanings every two years. This allows some dust buildup between cleanings, but more is needed to impact indoor air quality significantly.

Regular yearly or biyearly cleanings give your ducts a thorough refresh. A deep cleaning removes any accumulated allergens, dirt, and debris that standard filter changes miss.

  1. After Major Home Renovations Or Projects

Have you recently completed significant renovations or other dust-producing projects? Schedule post-project ductwork cleaning ASAP.

Remodeling and construction kick up vast amounts of dust that get pulled into your HVAC system. Drywall sanding, wood cutting, and other demolition create microscopic debris that lingers in the air and inevitably gets sucked into the ductwork.

So cleaning right after finishing removes this debris before it can get recirculated back into the home. Construction dust is excellent and takes weeks to settle fully, so it gets blown back out by the HVAC system if not promptly removed by professionals.

Construction dust warrants immediate ductwork cleaning when work ends.

  1. Before The Seasonal HVAC System, Use 

Book professional cleanings in spring and fall when transitioning into peak heating and cooling seasons.

This prep ducts for increased summer and winter runtime by removing accumulated debris. During inactive seasons, when the system runs less, dust still gradually builds up internally. A pre-season refresh clears this out for maximum airflow needed to maintain indoor comfort in summer and winter.

Pre-season cleanings also eliminate dust built up over inactive seasons for cleaner air. Stagnant duct debris gets blown back out when the system kicks into high gear.

  1. When Moving Into A New Home 

Upon moving into a new place, schedule ductwork cleaning before unpacking anything. This gives you cleaner air from the start.

You need to find out previous cleaning practices or the ducts’ condition in a new home. The sellers likely did not clean before moving out. So, assume professional cleaning is needed to remove years of accumulated debris.

When you get the keys, give your new home fresh air by cleaning ducts. Wait to run the HVAC system after a thorough pro cleaning.

  1. After Bringing New Pets Home

Have you adopted new furry friends? Minimize pet dander exposure by booking HVAC cleaning shortly after bringing them home.

Dander quickly gets pulled into the ductwork as pets shed and shake off dead skin cells. Once inside, it gets recirculated through the home. Frequent professional cleanings prevent this to maintain air quality.

For severe allergies, clean ducts multiple times yearly and always replace filters monthly. Monthly filter swaps remove fresh pet dander before it enters ducts.

  1. At The First Sign Of Ductwork Issues

Remember warning signs like strange smells from vents or excessive dust around registers. These indicate professional work cleaning is needed.

Catching problems early prevents escalation into serious indoor air or HVAC issues. So call pros immediately at the first ductwork trouble signs. Strange odors, decreased airflow, visible mold growth, or heavy vent dust signify debris or microbial buildup requiring thorough professional cleaning.

In addition to cleaning at appropriate intervals, maintaining your HVAC system properly year-round involves several key steps. First, have technicians inspect your ducts annually to identify any signs of wear or damage.

Second, adhere to the manufacturer’s recommendations for replacing air filters, typically every 1-3 months. Maintenance is essential for safeguarding your family’s health and a comfortable living environment.

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